National feeder and stocker cattle report

Published 12:00 pm Monday, October 21, 2024



(Federal-State Market News)

St. Joseph, Mo.

Oct. 21


This Week Last Week Last Year

307,700 249,600 330,000

Compared to last week, steers and heifers sold unevenly steady 2.00 lower to 2.00 higher. Demand was good to very good, especially on calves as the fall run is fully underway.

The latest drought monitor showed 77.50% of the Contiguous U.S. impacted by dryness or drought. Multiple states have reported farmers needing to adjust normal operations due to dusty, dry conditions.

These conditions can make keeping calves healthy a bit more challenging, causing farmers to consider bringing calves to market quicker than they might have otherwise anticipated.

The futures market lost some ground this week with live cattle closing 0.07 to 0.98 lower and feeder cattle contracts 1.13 to 2.20 lower for the week.

Live sales of negotiated cash fed cattle trade in TX/OK/NM sold 1.00 higher at 188.00, and sales in Kansas were 2.00 higher at 188.00.

In Nebraska, live sales sold 1.00 higher at 188.00, while the dressed sales sold steady at 296.00.

The choice/select spread reached 26.76 on Wednesday, which is the widest gap since the end of 2023.

Choice boxed beef closed the week 9.43 higher at 320.65 while Select was 5.48 higher at 294.20 for the same period.

Weekly Cattle Slaughter under federal inspection estimated at 608K, 22K higher than last week and 30K less than a year ago. Auction volume this week included 40% weighing over 600 lbs and 38% heifers.


Weekly Summary WA-OR-ID-UT

Oct. 18


875 2348 997

Compared to last week: Not enough comparable trades to establish a trend. Demand good. Supply included: 100% Feeder Cattle (24.7% Steers, 22.9% Dairy Steers, 11.3% Heifers, 41.1% Dairy Heifers). Feeder cattle supply over 600 lbs was 100%. Unless otherwise noted, Feeder Cattle prices FOB based on net weights after a 2% shrink or equivalent, with a 8-12 cent slide > 00 lbs. Livestock reported this week originated from ID, WA.

Steers — Large 1

46 head: 800 lbs, 242.00 Current DEL

Steers — Medium and Large 1-2

35 head: 750 lbs, 242.00Current DEL

40 head: 950 lbs, 214.00 Current DEL

70 head: 700 lbs, 252.00 Nov DEL

Steers — Medium and Large 2

25 head: 700 lbs, 232.00 Current DEL

Dairy Steers — Medium and Large 1-2

200 head: 750 lbs, 233.00 Current FOB

Heifers — Medium and Large 1

35 head: 850 lbs; 226.00 Current DEL

35 head: 600 lbs; 246.00 Nov DEL

Heifers — Medium and Large 1-2

29 head: 815 lbs; 224.00 Current DEL

Dairy Heifers — Medium and Large 1-2

160 head: 700 lbs; 229.00 Current FOB

200 head: 750 lbs; 218.00 Current FOB

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