U.S. Capitol Christmas tree makes a brief stopover in Oregon

Published 4:31 pm Wednesday, October 9, 2024

BAKER CITY, Ore. — The Christmas tree that will stand in front of the the U.S. Capitol this year will make its only Oregon stop in Baker City on Nov. 8.

Residents are invited to come to the Baker County Fairgrounds between 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. that day to see the 74-foot-tall Sitka spruce. The tree is coming from the Tongass National Forest near Wrangell, Alaska, and making a 4,000-mile journey to Washington, D.C.

The tree will arrive on its 108-foot trailer the night of Nov. 7, said Jacob Putney, forester for the Oregon State University Extension Service in Baker County.

The Wallowa-Whitman National Forest is the local host for the tree, Putney said.

The last time the Capitol Christmas tree was in Baker City was in November 2018. That year’s tree was a noble fir cut on the Willamette National Forest.

Baker City was one of 11 stops in Oregon during the tree’s journey. Its next stop is Pocatello, Idaho, on Nov. 9.
