Oregon FFA members talk about their state convention favorites

Published 7:08 pm Sunday, March 24, 2024

REDMOND, Ore. — The 96th annual Oregon FFA State Convention, held March 21-24, had a little something for everyone in a blue corduroy jacket — all 2,900 of them at the Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center in Redmond, Ore.

Tyson Robinson, an Astoria High School junior, said his favorite part of the event was “meeting new people and seeing old friends from past conventions.”

He said his circle of FFA friends keeps expanding every year.

Jasmine North-Perez, a junior at Redmond High School, said the convention provided opportunities to network and rely on other chapters throughout the state for support.

“By the time you graduate, you recognize everybody,” North-Perez said.

Career fair fun

Lance Kerns, a sophomore from North Powder, was attending his second state convention. “I really like the career fair, just seeing what’s offered,” he said.

The convention’s career and education show featured businesses, government agencies, other organizations and colleges.

Kerns drove a tractor in a simulator — similar to playing a video game — at the Blue Mountain Community College booth.

Andrew Leggett, BMCC precision irrigated agriculture instructor, said the simulator was helpful in getting students familiar with new technology, such as GPS and automated equipment, without the risk of putting them behind the wheel of expensive machinery.

Chapter camaraderie

Stanfield FFA member Broxson Longoria, a freshman from Hermiston, said he had a lot of fun at workshops and enjoyed hearing speakers in the auditorium.

He’s moving to Indiana, but said he’ll join FFA there, and he’s curious about how the organization will be different halfway across the country.

He and other Stanfield FFA members goofed around and on a John Deere combine as they posed for photos. At one point, Luke Carlson, chapter advisor, dropped to his belly on the grass — while wearing a suit — to get the perfect camera angle, causing students to laugh and smile big.

The teens said hanging out at the convention built fellowship for the program. “The silly little moments,” Carlson added.

Dance party FFA

Isabel Machado, a freshman in the new Creswell FFA chapter, said her first convention was “pretty fun so far, especially the dance parties.”

Every night, before getting down to serious business — such as receiving awards and hearing speeches from prominent ag leaders — Oregon FFA members got down, making the floor of the First Interstate Convention Center a dance hall.

No place like home

North Perez and classmate Lily Williams said the state convention coinciding with the start of spring break in Oregon was beneficial.

They said the event has been held earlier in the past, and FFA members end up heading to classes on Monday tired from the busy weekend.

Williams added that it was great to have the state convention in Redmond. “We get to go home and sleep in our own beds every night,” she said.

Even for some high school students, there’s no place like home.

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