Stakeholders send letter opposing Simpson dam plan to NW political leaders

Published 5:30 pm Thursday, March 25, 2021

A coalition of 45 stakeholders has sent a letter to Northwest lawmakers voicing their opposition to Idaho Rep. Mike Simpson’s $33.5 billion proposal to remove four dams on the Lower Snake River.

The proposal, which is aimed at helping the salmon population recover, includes a 35-year moratorium on dam litigation, among other actions.

Simpson announced the proposal in February but has not introduced legislation.

“It is a speculative and costly plan that assumes we must choose between productive, fish-friendly federal projects and our Northwest salmon and steelhead runs,” the March 23 letter states. “We believe this is a false choice, and ignores the broad commitment to salmon recovery that must be region-wide and sustained for generations.”

“Congress typically doesn’t dedicate billions of taxpayer dollars without knowing exactly how it will be allocated first,” Washington Grain Commission CEO Glen Squires told the Capital Press. “His concept proposal is so broad in scope that dozens of congressional committees and executive branch agencies probably have jurisdiction over parts of it.”

Many Pacific Northwest members of Congress are also opposed to the plan, Squires said.

“Those supporting removal have been seeking removal of the four specific dams for decades, so nothing really new there,” he said.

Ag groups will continue to voice their concerns about removal of the dams and cite their role in agriculture, irrigation and movement of goods, Squires said.

Dam removal would have impacts on the environment, hydropower and increase freight rates for wheat. Squires points to the added road damage costs and effect on timely delivery of other freight and services.

“Removal is not a silver bullet to salmon recovery for Snake River salmon,” Squires said. “There is more to it than four lower Snake River dams.”

Squires and other stakeholders point to ideas and actions identified in NOAA Fisheries’ salmon recovery plan.

“We think our region’s focus should be on funding and implementing them rather than the laundry list of undefined, speculative and possibly illegal actions in Rep. Simpson’s proposal,” Squires said.
