Idaho governor to lead Taiwan-Hong Kong trade delegation

Published 1:30 pm Monday, June 10, 2019

Idaho Gov. Brad Little plans to lead a trade delegation to Taiwan and Hong Kong this fall.

The Idaho Wheat Commission June 7 said the trade mission presents an opportunity to recognize loyal client millers in Taiwan and to explore ways to grow that business. Wheat growers from the state have exported for more than 50 years to Taiwan, where the U.S. has a dominant share of the market.

The commission plans to send a representative on behalf of growers and is taking applications from grain handlers interested in participating. Participation expenses are covered as part of the fee the commission pays, but travel expenses are not. Information is available from IWC Executive Director Blaine Jacobson at

State Commerce Department officials said Taiwan and Hong Kong are excellent markets for new-to-export companies as well as those seeking to increase exports to Asia. Food and agriculture products are among leading opportunities in Taiwan, where exports from Idaho increased 17.1% last year. Taiwan is now the second biggest destination for exports from the state.

Meetings are scheduled in Taipei Oct. 21-22 and in Hong Kong Oct. 24-25.

Details about the trade mission are available from state Department of Agriculture Trade Specialist Paris Dickerson at or Sarah Massie of the state Commerce Department at
