Group challenges alternative ‘meat’ claims

Published 4:24 pm Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Center for Consumer Freedom this week upped the ante in its campaign to expose what’s really in plant-based meat alternatives.

The organization is running full-page ads in the Wall Street Journal and New York Post comparing the simple ingredients in bacon and pork sausage to the long list of ingredients in plant-based substitutes.

The alternative sausage product CCF highlighted contains succinic acid, disodium inosinate, disodium guanylate, niacinamide and 44 other ingredients — compared to real sausage that contains pork, water, salt and spices.

Consumers are being duped into eating heavily processed foods that contain numerous preservatives, additives, fillers, texturizers and chemicals linked to cancer, CCF contends. The plant-based meat alternatives are also high in calories and sodium and low in nutritional quality.

Capital Press has requested comment from CCF.

“Despite what the name leads people to believe, plant-based meats are made in industrial facilities, not gardens,” CCF Managing Director Will Coggin said in a press release.

“Fake meat companies are trying to promote a health halo over their products, but consumers should know that imitation meat is highly processed and in some cases has more calories and sodium than the real thing,” he said.

The ads are part of CCF’s larger campaign “to show the truth behind fake meat and its supposed health benefits.”

“With market research showing that almost 40% of plant-based protein consumers want to avoid processed foods, CCF is educating consumers about the catalog of processed ingredients that are used in fake meat,” the organization stated.

CCF has also launched a website — — to provide a side-by-side analysis of alternative meat products and real meat. The website lists dozens of ingredients used in alternative meats, along with definitions, any health warnings and the alternative products that contain them.

CCF is devoted to promoting personal responsibility and protecting consumer choices. It is funded by restaurants, food companies and individual consumers, according to the organization’s website.
