Company tests new greenhouse design, seeks tenant

Published 12:00 pm Wednesday, January 20, 2021

SALEM — The spacious test greenhouse outside Adapt8 headquarters in Salem sits empty at the moment, but company CEO Michelle Moore envisions the barn-sized structure as a hub for testing products and agricultural education.

“We want this to be a place where the community can learn how to grow more, sustainably,” Moore said. “It really is about innovation for us.” 

Adapt8, formerly Adaptive Plastics Inc., was founded by Moore’s parents, Mike and Bev Perry, and is known for manufacturing high-density polyethylene panels used for greenhouses and greenhouse coverings, branded as Solexx. 

In 2018, the company received a $50,000 economic development grant from Marion County to build the test greenhouse. Construction finished in December, and Moore said they are now searching for a partner — perhaps a food bank, college or local farmer — to share the space. 

“Somebody who is really focused on growing could get a lot of production out of this greenhouse,” Moore said.

The greenhouse measures 30-by-80-feet and stands more than 21 feet tall. GK Machine, a manufacturer in nearby Donald, Ore., made the frame. It is covered with Adapt8’s Solexx panels.

Solexx offers several advantages, Moore said. First, the material is dense and translucent, helping to diffuse light evenly around the entire space. 

“What you don’t get are zones inside the greenhouse,” Moore said. “You can see, there’s not a single shadow.” 

That, in turn, allows light to reach more of the plants’ surface area, enabling 25% more growth versus direct light from traditional panels, Moore explained. The panels also provide insulation, boosting energy and water efficiency.

“(The greenhouse) will be very efficient to run,” she said. 

Along with the $50,000 grant, Adapt8 matched more than $264,000 toward completing the project. Moore said she would like to see 10% of what’s grown inside the greenhouse donated to area food banks. 

Company employees established a community supported agriculture program, or CSA, last year, donating 1,000 pounds of fresh produce to the Marion Polk Food Share, including radishes, tomatoes, green onions, beets, kale, garlic and potatoes.

Moore said the new test greenhouse will offer more space to turbocharge production, while simultaneously allowing Adapt8 to research new products and invite the public to learn about how their food is grown.

Recently, Adapt8 used the greenhouse to teach elementary school children about hydroponics, and held a clinic demonstrating cutting propagation with tomato plants. Moore said outreach classes will continue as COVID-19 restrictions allow.

“We want to bring our customers in. We want to bring the community in,” she said. “We want to test new ways of doing things in here.” 

Those interested in partnering with Adapt8 to use the greenhouse can reach the company at 1-877-476-5399, or email
