Simplot exec to join World Potato Congress board

Published 4:24 pm Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The World Potato Congress Inc. named three new members of its board of directors effective July 1, including an executive at Idaho-based J.R. Simplot Co.

Nigel Crump of Australia, Yayun (Elven) Huang of China and Simplot executive Bret Nedrow are additions to the board.

The nonprofit global networking organization based in eastern Canada is run by volunteer directors representing potato growing areas around the world.

Departing directors are David Thompson, Ghislain Pelletier and Ron Gail.

Nedrow works as Simplot’s director of raw procurement overseeing North America potato operations, raw development and sustainability for Simplot Food Group and is a member of the Potato Association of America.

Nedrow started his life and career in potatoes on an Ashton, Idaho, potato-seed farm. He earned a bachelor’s degree in agribusiness management and a master’s in agricultural economics, both at the University of Idaho. He started in potato processing about 22 years ago with Nestle Food Service in Moses Lake, Wash., and assisted in starting the grading company Ag World Support Systems LLC. With Simplot for the past 20 years, he has worked in Washington, Idaho, North Dakota and Manitoba in potato-related positions.

Crump has a doctorate in agricultural science and a diverse background in a number of sectors including science, industry and government. He is general manger of the Victorian Certified Seed Potato Authority, a not-for-profit and industry-based organization in Victoria, South Australia and New South Wales. He is active in the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Specialized Section on Seed Potatoes, representing Australia.

Huang founded Hong Kong Gsun Metal International Trading Co., Ltd., mainly engaged in precious metals imports and exports. She came to Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province, in 2009 to investigate the Humic Acid Project, and founded organic fertilizer business Yunnan Greentech Co., Ltd. In 2015, she established Yunnan Tumama Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
