Idaho Water Users send safety messages to public about irrigation canals

Published 4:00 pm Monday, May 16, 2022

The Idaho Water Users Association is taking to the airwaves and the internet to warn the public about the hazards of irrigation canals and equipment.

Ag Water Safety Week will be May 23-27.

Messages are slated for broadcast outlets and social media and on audio streaming services. The opening message will urge people to stay out of canals and off irrigation property and equipment.

“Ultimately, safety is our number-one priority,” said Kathryn Hartman, the Boise-based association’s office and program manager. “We’ve found that with urbanization, a lot of folks are unfamiliar with canals,” including new residents living near them for the first time.

Association membership includes more than 300 irrigation districts and canal companies, groundwater districts, agribusinesses, public water supply organizations, professional firms and individuals.

The Boise River Basin alone has some 1,500 miles of canals and laterals.

Hartman said a no-trespassing message will be part of the campaign, but “safety is number one.”

Cold water, swift undercurrents and slick, steep banks make canals and ditches dangerous, she said. “We want to spread awareness of the intended purpose of these facilities and remind folks they are very dangerous.”

The association for years ran safety messages throughout the summer. Last year’s shift to concentrated one-week campaigns in May and July aimed to generate more impact. This year’s summer campaign will be July 18-22.

Hartman said putting the messages onto audio streaming services, new this year, aims to increase reach to younger audiences.

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