
More hemp farms making transition to organic

A Central Oregon hemp farm is making the transition to organic production, part of a growing trend within ...


Creamery, fined $26K over spilled milk, installs equipment to prevent future spills

McMINNVILLE, Ore. — Organic Valley, a dairy cooperative fined more than $26,000 in 2019 for spilling milk, recently ...


SpudLove, new farmer-owned organic potato chip line, debuts

A new farmer-owned potato chip line is hitting store shelves this summer. SpudLove Snacks’ new potato chip line ...


Organic dairy farmers urge USDA to finalize ‘origin of livestock’ rule

Organic dairy farmers are once again urging the USDA to clarify its rule for transitioning livestock under the ...


Lawsuit seeks to reverse Oregon prohibition on contaminated biopesticide

An insecticide manufacturer claims its neem oil biopesticide was unlawfully prohibited in Oregon for being contaminated with trace ...


Virtual field days target soil health

The University of Idaho, Natural Resources Conservation Service and local conservation districts have teamed up to bring producers ...


Consumer demand overwhelms vegetable seed producers

Previously, the surge in demand was spurred by the Great Recession over a decade ago, and before that, ...


Who USDA’s farm aid package leaves behind (copy)

Many industry leaders have expressed excitement about how the relief package will help agribusinesses. But some say CFAP's ...


Who USDA’s farm aid package leaves behind

Many industry leaders have expressed excitement about how the relief package will help agribusinesses. But some say CFAP's ...


All in good taste: How the search for flavor changed agriculture

Big flavor houses, like those that invented Cool Ranch Doritos and Honey Nut Cheerios, dominate the industry. But ...

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