
Western Innovator: Seeking new markets for farmers

LACEY, Wash. — Stephen Bramwell’s grandfather, an Idaho sugar beet grower, invited him to farm, but that was ...

Orchards Nuts Vines

Western Innovator: Managing multiple vineyards

Stephen Collum, owner of Vineyard Concepts, a vineyard management company in Calaveras County, Calif., says Mother Nature has ...


Cheese company goes organic

SALEM, Ore. — When the Eggert family-owned Keystone Pacific sold Pacific Foods and bought the Willamette Valley Cheese ...


Western Innovator: Putting worms to work

COTTAGE GROVE, Ore. — It’s all about soil biology, Bruce Elliott of Sustainable Agricultural Technologies says. “Everything about ...

Orchards Nuts Vines

Organic hazelnut farm tour set for Aug. 14

Organic hazelnut growers and others interested in the industry are invited to the third annual Organic Hazelnuts Summer ...


OSU ‘statewides’ plan return to full staffing

Oregon State University is preparing for a hiring spree in its Extension service, agricultural experiment stations and forest ...


Western Innovator: Trust of farmworkers spells success

DAVENPORT, Calif. — Jim Cochran, a farmer who believed farmworkers deserved an elevated status in the agricultural economy, ...

Orchards Nuts Vines

Falconer follows birds to new career

Howard Ward worked in a body shop 43 years before deciding to change careers — he became a ...


State organic certifications increasing again in Idaho

State resumes taking new applicants after hiatus


Conference to advance artisan grain discussions

Last year, Cascadia Grains Conference organizers held a pilot program to gauge interest in a conference in Eastern ...

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