
Idaho awards nearly $6 million in water system funding

State Revolving Loan Fund detail IDEQ planning grant program detail The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality has awarded ...


Back on House Ag Committee, Newhouse outlines priorities

U.S. Rep. Dan Newhouse points to long-term goals when asked about his priorities upon returning to the House ...


NW Ag Show: A tale of two snowpacks in Oregon and Washington

SALEM — Matt Warbritton, supervisory hydrologist for the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, said West Coast weather patterns ...


Oregon snowfall projected to drop 50% by 2100 among findings in latest state climate report

Oregonians born today are likely to experience a future of more drought, more rain and less snow under ...


Port of Morrow gets governor’s OK to apply wastewater in winter

BOARDMAN, Ore. — Gov. Tina Kotek intervened Jan. 13, letting the Port of Morrow apply wastewater to low-risk ...


Gov. Kotek issues emergency order for Port of Morrow

Oregon’s second largest port is getting another exception to a water pollution permit it’s violated for much of ...


Dairy farmer adopts unique water system

Jason Nunes doesn’t let his plans to develop a robotic dairy during the next year or so stand ...


Expanded East Idaho Cereals Conference planned for next month

Conference detail The East Idaho Cereals Conference next month consolidates and expands upon six smaller local sessions held ...


Meetings on Harney Basin groundwater curtailments to continue this year

The Oregon Water Resources Department’s effort to establish a critical groundwater area for a portion of the Harney ...


President signs bill into law protecting Klamath Water users

A bill to protect Klamath Basin irrigators from being charged for dam removals and species restoration, as well ...

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