
Swinomish tribe seeks say in Skagit tide gate dispute (copy)

The Swinomish Indian tribe in northwest Washington has moved to intervene in a lawsuit between Skagit Delta farmers ...


Swinomish tribe seeks say in Skagit tide gate dispute

The Swinomish Indian tribe in northwest Washington has moved to intervene in a lawsuit between Skagit Delta farmers ...


Kotek declares drought for southeast Oregon’s Harney County

Gov. Tina Kotek declared a drought in southeast Oregon’s Harney County on Nov. 22 and directed state agencies ...


Planned water-rights adjudication in Kootenai Basin advances

Wildman bio The Idaho Supreme Court has selected District Judge Eric Wildman to adjudicate water rights in the ...


Mountain snowpack setting records for early season

A potential solution to Northeastern Oregon’s drought woes is starting to stack up in the mountains. The high-elevation ...


Idaho DEQ awards water system planning grants

Program detail The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality has awarded more than $182,000 in water facility planning grants ...


Upper Snake reservoir system volume strong but below year-earlier levels

The Upper Snake River reservoir system is about 48% full, which is at the 1991-2020 median but 4% ...


Idaho water users finalize agreement

Idaho’s surface water users and groundwater pumpers have reached a final agreement on a new mitigation plan after ...


Weather expert predicts mild winter; cold blasts possible

The Pacific Northwest is in for a mild winter with below-average precipitation and above-average temperatures, meteorologist Art Douglas ...


Odds still favor La Nina, but it’s looking more iffy

The National Weather Service downgraded Thursday the chances a La Nina will form this winter to 57%, lowering ...

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