Ap Nation World

North Dakota researchers examine alfalfa bee disparity in US

FARGO, N.D. (AP) — Elisabeth Wilson drives to a small field every day to check her nests set ...

Ap Nation World

Santa Barbara County seizes 400,000 marijuana plants

SANTA MARIA, Calif. (AP) — Santa Barbara County sheriff’s investigators have seized approximately 400,000 marijuana plants that were ...

Ap Nation World

US trade gap grew to $54 billion in September

WASHINGTON (AP) — Record imports expanded the U.S. trade deficit for the fourth straight month in September, as ...

Ap Nation World

Colorado jury’s pot verdict may discourage similar cases

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A Colorado jury likely threw cold water on future legal challenges against cannabis companies ...

Ap Nation World

Watchdog reviewing plan to relocate key USDA office

WASHINGTON (AP) — The USDA’s internal watchdog will examine the agency’s plan to restructure its top independent research ...

Ap Nation World

Iowa dairy unveils rare beef cattle breed

HUDSON, Iowa (AP) — Blake Hansen loves beef, but admits he is quite particular about the quality of ...

Ag Sectors

Interior watchdog refers Zinke probe to Justice Department

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Interior Department’s internal watchdog has referred an investigation of Secretary Ryan Zinke to the ...

Ap Nation World

California power customers file claims in pre-emptive outage

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A Northern California utility said Wednesday it received 146 demands for reimbursement from customers ...

Ap Nation World

Groundskeeper accepts reduced $78 million Monsanto verdict

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A Northern California groundskeeper said Wednesday that he will accept a judge’s reduced verdict ...

Ap Nation World

US productivity growth slows to 2.2 percent rate in Q3

WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. productivity grew at an annual rate of 2.2 percent in the third quarter, a ...

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