
Far West Association gets new executive director

Margaret Jensen was part of the group looking for a new executive director for the Far West Agribusiness ...


Food processors taking steps to protect employees amid pandemic

Northwest food processors are taking steps to protect worker health and safety amid the COVID-19 crisis while also ...


Egg prices surge as demand spikes

Retailers, suppliers scramble to meet demand that moved from foodservice to retail as consumers stayed home.


NW distilleries make hand sanitizer for emergency workers

Rogue Ales & Spirits in Newport announced it is making and donating hand sanitizer in accordance with updated ...


SBA offers loans in response to COVID-19

SBA is offering long-term loans to small business suffering economic injury from the coronavirus.


Western Innovator: Helping farmers reduce harvest loss

Marcel Kringe, 31, practically talks combines in his sleep. His company Bushel Plus, based in Canada, has a ...


Coronavirus impact on ag trade mixed

The severity and length of trade disruptions caused by the coronavirus won't be clear for several weeks, but ...


U.S. pork exports advance in 2019, beef exports retreat

U.S. pork and lamb exports made a good showing in 2019, while beef exports took a step back ...


Driverless farm machinery may lead to new business model

The cost and complexity of owning and maintaining driverless farm machinery may steer agriculture toward a fee-for-service model ...


Union withdraws objection to NORPAC asset sale

A union representing food processing workers has dropped its objection to the bankrupt NORPAC cooperative’s sale of three ...

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