Latest Markets Archives - Capital Press


Western U.S. milk and cream report

Feb. 6 For California, milk production is stronger. Year-over-year milk volumes continue to be down at the start ...


Western U.S. milk and cream report

Jan. 30 In California, week-to-week milk production is stronger. However, handlers indicate milk production continues to be down ...


National feeder and stocker cattle report

NATIONAL FEEDER AND STOCKER CATTLE (Federal-State Market News) St. Joseph, Mo. Jan. 13 RECEIPTS This Week Last Week ...


National feeder and stocker cattle report (copy)

NATIONAL FEEDER AND STOCKER CATTLE (Federal-State Market News) St. Joseph, Mo. Jan. 21 RECEIPTS This Week Last Week ...


Selected Western livestock auctions

Oregon EUGENE (Eugene Livestock Auction) Jan. 11 Receipts: 761 HD Comments: Goats and sheep steady. Good quality feeder ...


Western U.S. milk and cream report (copy)

Western U.S. milk and cream report: Jan. 23 For California, handlers note week-over-week increases in milk production throughout ...


Western U.S. milk and cream report

Western U.S. milk and cream report Jan. 30 In California, week-to-week milk production is stronger. However, handlers indicate ...


National feeder and stocker cattle report

NATIONAL FEEDER AND STOCKER CATTLE (Federal-State Market News) St. Joseph, Mo. Dec. 23 RECEIPTS This Week Last Week ...


National feeder and stocker cattle report

NATIONAL FEEDER AND STOCKER CATTLE (Federal-State Market News) St. Joseph, Mo. Jan. 6 RECEIPTS This Week Last Week ...


National feeder and stocker cattle report

NATIONAL FEEDER AND STOCKER CATTLE (Federal-State Market News) St. Joseph, Mo. Jan. 21 RECEIPTS This Week Last Week ...

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