
Western U.S. milk and cream report

Fluid Milk and Cream — Western U.S. June 20 In California, milk production is trending weaker. Handlers convey ...


Selected potato prices

Fresh Russet Potato Market Report June 15 Shipping Area  FWA  Chg  GRI  Chg  70 ct   Chg  10# Film  ...


Selected Western livestock auctions

Oregon EUGENE (Eugene Livestock Auction) June 15 Receipts: 797 HD Comments: Good auction this week. Lambs and goats ...


Wool and sheep price report

National Wool Review June 14 Domestic wool trading had no confirmed trades reported this week. National Sheep Summary ...


California shell egg prices

June 14 Benchmark prices are steady. Next week’s asking prices are 3 cents higher for Large, unchanged for ...


National feeder and stocker cattle report

NATIONAL FEEDER AND STOCKER CATTLE (Federal-State Market News) St. Joseph, Mo. June 17 RECEIPTS This Week Last Week ...


Western U.S. milk and cream report

Fluid Milk and Cream — Western U.S. June 13 Milk production in California is trending seasonally weaker. Industry ...


Selected potato prices

Fresh Russet Potato Market Report June 8 Shipping Area  FWA  Chg  GRI  Chg  70 ct   Chg  10# Film  ...


National feeder and stocker cattle report

NATIONAL FEEDER AND STOCKER CATTLE (Federal-State Market News) St. Joseph, Mo. June 10 RECEIPTS This Week Last Week ...


Selected Western livestock auctions

Oregon EUGENE (Eugene Livestock Auction) June 1 Receipts: 1270 HD Comments: Really strong market on Saturday. The seats ...

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