
Editorial: Expect tit-for-tat tariffs on U.S. farm exports to China

Farmers and ranchers are awaiting China’s response to tariffs recently imposed by the Biden administration, fairly wondering if ...


Editorial: H-2A in need of a congressional fix

Farmworker unions and farmers may not agree on much, but here’s something they appear to agree on: The ...


Editorial: The new era: Agriculture of Hope

Say what you will about the computer geeks and others who have plunged us into a new world ...


Editorial: Asparagus growers hurt by perfect storm of good intentions

If voters have any doubts about the state and federal governments’ propensity for unintended consequences, all they need ...


Editorial: Biden undoes Trump NEPA rules

The Biden administration has undone revisions to the regulations governing the National Environmental Policy Act put in place ...


Editorial: Getting in front of animal agriculture issues

The anti-animal agriculture crowd never misses an opportunity to take a swipe at farmers and ranchers. When a ...


Editorial: Consider relocation from the bear’s perspective

Despite opposition from ranchers, orchardists and local officials, the Biden administration last week finalized a yearslong process to ...


Editorial: Keeping powerful secrets

When government operates in secret, no one benefits. When the Washington Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council refused to ...


Editorial: USDA must fund needs first, wants later

First things first. This is a mantra all parents have repeated to their children. Do the important things ...


Editorial: Biden’s BLM revives sue-and-settle

Has the Biden administration brought back “sue-and-settle” to accomplish environmental goals without the bother of legislation or any ...

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