Latest Letters Archives - Capital Press


Letter: Tariff editorial on the money

Your Dec. 6 editorial on the Trump tariffs is on the money. The U.S. Federal Reserve Bank via ...


Letter: Climate change still a high priority

I voted and climate change is a priority to me because I see drought impacts across Oregon, impacting ...


Letter: Blasting barred owls won’t work

As part of my master’s degree program at the University of New Mexico in 1961-62 I took a ...


Letter: A ‘monstrous’ plan to kill barred owls

Days ago, the Biden Administration’s wildlife agency approved a monstrous plan to shoot 450,000 barred owls in Pacific ...


Letter: Real problems of Snake River salmon

It has been quiet on the “Breach the Lower Snake River Dams” front. There are facts that should ...


Letter: Candidate understands farmers

Growing up on a small farm in Central Washington with all that entails, from having my dad put ...


Letter: The game plan for promoting lab-grown meats

The community in which I grew up and now work in is largely comprised of grain farmers and ...


Letter: Headwaters Farm Incubator success stories

I was perplexed after reading the article “Diversity, Equity, In-Fighting” in your May 24th issue. Joe Rossi was ...


Letter: We need more money for easements, not less

I read the article “Diversity, Equity, In-Fighting” in your May 24 issue and was dismayed to see that ...


Letter: Washington needs common sense back in wildlife management

To whoever claims they are in charge of managing wildlife in Washington state and Skagit County. As a ...

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