
Letter: First, turn off the water

We’ve all heard the old story about coming into the kitchen and finding the water on and the ...


Letter: All jobs are ‘essential’ and should be protected

I keep hearing people talking about “non-essential” workers and “non-essential” jobs. I’m curious, as a small business owner ...


Letter: Don’t bid on Hammond allotment

This is for all the ranching and grazing community in Southeast Oregon. Our ranchers and grazing allotment owners ...


Letter: We must stay on guard

We’ve had epidemics and catastrophes in the past and will experience them in the future. In the past ...


Letter: Of mice and men

Everyone knows, from Aesop and Horace, the story of the Town Mouse and the Country Mouse, although they ...


Letter: Coronavirus and Trump

It is despicable that the coronavirus outbreak is being weaponized and politicized against President Trump. Trump responded quickly ...


Letter: Governor’s dam stance would damage E. Oregon

Why is our governor so bent on destroying the economy of the rural part of Oregon? The article ...


Letter: Wheat organizations back Snake River dam findings

On behalf of the Northwest wheat producing states, we strongly support the findings in the Columbia River System ...


Letter: Oregon oligarchy pushes SB 1530

We’ve been bombarded by a constant litany about all the corruption in Ukraine by the oligarchy. I was ...


Letter: Get ready for coming cold period

We are conditioned, threatened and shamed to accept many falsities and fail to do the research. The most ...

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