
Letter: State shorts counties on taxes

You, the taxpayer, are paying the price, whether you live in the city or the country. The following ...


Letter: Moderation in all things

Moderation in all things — a rule for life, for the marketplace and for the dairy farmer. Too ...


Letter: Cougar population out of control

I grew up on our land in the 1950s and 1960s riding horses and helping my grandfather with ...


Letter: Don’t trust legislative promises on dams

Re: Your editorial “Farmers right to be skeptical of being made whole.” Thousands of small family forest owners ...


Letter to the editor: How will Dean Foods bankruptcy impact farmers?

As has been well-reported, Dean Foods filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on Nov. 12. Should we be surprised? ...


Letter to the editor: Where does the most gas come from?

Now I admit I haven’t googled up gas so I’m far from a expert on cow gas, or ...


Letter to the editor: The ‘new rule’ for dairy

The Old Rule: Profitable milk demand exceeds the milk supply made by U.S. dairy farmers — make more ...


Letter: Rural communities targets of ‘sabotage’

Say it. Let it roll off your tongue. “Sabotage.” Definition: “Deliberate damage to productive capacity, esp. as a ...


Letter to the Editor: Susewind should protect Wash. wolves

I find it appalling that the director of the dept of wildlife, Kelly Susewind, is ignoring the governor’s ...


Letter to the editor: Milk pricing causes confusion

I was part of a dairy food processor business for many years, and agree with your Oct. 18 ...

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