
Letter: More information on latent mortality in salmon

Matthew Weaver’s May 18 article on salmon returning through the Lower Snake River dams was a welcome bit ...


Letter: WDFW must take responsibility for elk problems

It’s time Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife (WDFW) takes responsibility. Talk about animal cruelty in the Eastern ...


Letter: How much more can dairy farmers take?

Recently, I traveled to the famous Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania observing the prices of milk in stores. I ...


Letter: Japan’s prime minister speaks on cultivated meat

American leaders should follow the example of Japan’s prime minister, Fumio Kishida, who spoke publicly in favor of ...


Letter: More on feral horses and cattle

I take umbrage on several points with your editorial on wild cows and horses. For starters, both cattle ...


Letter: Another type of ‘NIMBY-ism’

This present tension over solar siting gives Gov. Jay Inslee the opportunity to really lead us into a ...


Letter: Public-private partnership needed for canal piping

In light of the recent lawsuit by Center for Biological Diversity and its demands for a funding guarantee ...


Letter: Solar, wind power solutions offered

In a recent copy of the Capital Press you covered solar farms and wind farms and some of ...


Letter: More cultivated meat research needed

If our political leaders are serious about addressing the climate crisis, they should support increased public funding for ...


Letter: Government for the people must be restored

Throughout history, there have been two political parties: one for the people, and one for the aristocracy. At ...

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