
Letter: Klamath dams provide precedent for Snake River dams

Regarding the Nov. 18 article, “Snake River ag stakeholders comment on Klamath dam removal.” It may be understandable ...


Letter: Slaughterhouse aid prompts disappointment

I was disappointed to learn President Joe Biden’s USDA is giving out more than $223 million in grants ...


Letter: Property rights compromised by power line project

We are the target. Who would believe, in the USA, the land of “private property rights,” that an ...


Letter: Happy customer likes fruit company

I’ve subscribed to your newspaper for just a few months but will probably do so until I die. ...


Letter: Tired of Wyden’s outbursts

We are all getting pretty tired of Ron Wyden’s endless, shrill, socialistic political outbursts, although they are a ...


Letter: We need to share bounties of the Columbia River

My name is David Nelson, living in Pendleton, having served as the state senator from District 29 from ...


Letter: Is there equity in Oregon’s right to farm law?

Is not the intent of Oregon’s Right to Farm laws and the land use system to protect existing, established farms ...


Letter: Editorial page strikes a chord with reader

Loved your opinions expressed in “A horse is a horse, of course” and “Penalties for thee, but not ...


Letter: Election lessons to be learned

Thank you for publishing the Q&A with Oregon’s three candidates for governor. If I was Tina Kotek, I’d ...


Letter: Some thoughts on ‘woke’ insects

Wokeism has made another correction in perception. The title “Murder Hornet” is not only insensitive but “evokes fear ...

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