
Letter: TIme to end state of emergency, get back to normal

Catching-up on my print media and appreciated your opinion “650 days of emergency and counting” with Governor Brown ...


Letter: Fossil fuels, hydropower drive Northwest economy

I love fossil fuels. I love energy. Kyoto. Paris. Rio. And now Glasgow. Promises. Promises. The world will ...


Letter: Not enough carbon dioxide in atmosphere

The current UN climate change summit (COP 26) is designed to lower carbon emissions from fossil fuels. The ...


Letter: Ranchers need to stand up against government

This is for the Idaho ranchers (or any other ranchers that graze public land). I just read the ...


Letter: Carbon fees harm economy

“Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge.” It ain’t so. A recent op-ed piece praising carbon fees and credits shows that ...


Letter: Climate change shouldn’t be politicized

Your editorial, “The two languages of climate change,” seems to assume that farmers and ranchers can find ways ...


Letter: It is time to tell the truth about fat in milk

I recently had a conversation with one of our member dairy farmers, who has been a patient in ...


Letter: Simple solution for those who prefer Idaho

For all those who wish for any part of Oregon to be turned over to Idaho, I have ...


Letter: Use Supertankers to fight wildfires

Here we are, once again at the beginning of what could prove to be worst wildfire season ever ...


Letter: E. Oregon should be allowed to join Idaho

Since I still believe in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness of the U.S. Constitution I support ...

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