
Letter: Editorial was right on

Your call to end the hate and violence and come together (Jan. 15 editorial “We must stop this ...


Letter: Beware of manipulation

People are manipulated through fear. • Fear of Saddam Hussein. • Fear of terrorism. • Fear of climate ...


Letter: Costs of farming in California out of control

I read with interest the comments made in the Guest View by Mike McCarthy; California is right up ...


Letter: Governor should reopen businesses, too

I feel compelled to communicate with Gov. Kate Brown about the present situation in Oregon and a major ...


Letter: Stop digging that coronavirus hole

Will Rogers said, “If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.” This virus scare has put us ...


Letter: China profits from Christmas

It is starting to look a lot like Chi-com Christmas. Did you know that Wal-mart, Cabellas-Bass Pro and ...


Letter: Big chinook on the decline

In 1980, my 10th season on a tree planting crew in Oregon, a buddy and I were camped ...


Letter: Proper management will reduce wildfires

You need three things for a fire: oxygen, a spark and fuel. Fuel is not mentioned in Mojtaba ...


Letter: Socialism isn’t the answer

America became the greatest nation in the world because we were free to dream, free to act and ...


Letter: There’s no place for fake food

This is in response to the article on Impossible Foods. If these fake, highly processed, chemically laden concocted ...

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