
Lawmakers introduce bill to protect Snake River dams

Legislation proposed by Sen. Jm Risch, R-Idaho, and Rep. Dan Newhouse, R-Wash., is designed to preserve and protect ...


Potato Council CEO welcomes Trump regulatory reform

National Potato Council CEO Kam Quarles welcomes likely regulatory rollbacks under President Donald Trump’s new administration but remains ...


Potato Council CEO welcomes Trump regulatory reform (copy)

National Potato Council CEO Kam Quarles welcomes likely regulatory rollbacks under President Donald Trump’s new administration but remains ...


Trump stops Idaho Lava Ridge wind project

Order detail President Donald Trump suspended the planned Lava Ridge wind project in a Jan. 20 executive order ...


UI to ask legislature to fund viticulture specialist

UI Parma Research and Extension Center detail CAFE project detail Leaders of the University of Idaho agricultural extension ...


Idaho awards nearly $6 million in water system funding

State Revolving Loan Fund detail IDEQ planning grant program detail The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality has awarded ...


BLM taking input on wind, solar proposals in south-central Idaho

Forum participation The Taurus wind project and Snake River Energy solar project proposed in south-central Idaho are to ...


Idaho forest management business owner sentenced

Douglas Worman of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, was sentenced to 46 months in federal prison for defrauding a forestry ...


ISDA taking specialty crop grant applications through March 10

Program, webinar detail The Idaho State Department of Agriculture will take applications for Specialty Crop Block Grants through ...


UI to update guide to custom farming services, rates

What it costs to have someone bring equipment to your farm and put it to work is the ...

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