ONLINE Dan Fulleton Farm Equipment Retirement Auction
THIS WILL BE AN ONLINE AUCTION Visit for full sale list and information Auction Soft Close: Mon., March 3rd, 2025 @ 12:00pm MT Location: 3550 Fulleton Rd. Vale, OR […]
Published 9:45 am Tuesday, January 23, 2024
(Eugene Livestock Auction)
Jan. 20
Receipts: 413 HD
Comments: Lighter numbers of animals due to consignors still dealing with effects of the weather last week, but the market was up on most classes of livestock that there was. Good quality feeder cattle bringing lots of buyer interest. Cows were up $3-$5 this week.
Top Cows: High Dressers: 88.00-106.00; Low Dressers 35.00-50.00; Top 10: 102.40
Top Bulls: High Dressers 105.00-119.00
Feeder Bulls: 300-500 lbs NT; 500-700 lbs NT; 700-900 lbs NT
Choice Feeder Steers: Medium-Large Frame No. 1&2s: 300-400 lbs NT; 400-500 lbs 190.00-245.00; 500-600 lbs 190.00-247.00; 600-700 lbs 175.00-220.00; 700-800 lbs NT; 800-900 lbs NT
Choice Feeder Heifers Medium-Large Frame No. 1&2s: 300-400 lbs NT; 400-500 lbs NT; 500-600 lbs NT; 600-700 lbs NT; 700-800 lbs NT; 800-900 lbs NT
Bred Cows: NT HD
Pairs: NT PR
Head Calves (Up to 250 lbs) Beef: NT HD; Dairy: 5.00-90.00 HD
Feeder Lambs: 60-90 lbs 2.00-2.95 lb; 90 to 130 lbs 1.70-2.70 lb
Feeder Goats: 60-90 lbs 2.50-3.45 lb; 90 to 130 lbs 2.20-3.30 lb
Ewes: 0.30-1.50 lb
Nannies: 130.00-270.00 HD
(Central Oregon Livestock Auction)
Jan. 22
Receipts: 371 HD
Steers: 300-400 lbs 275.00-325.00; 400-500 lbs 275.00-322.50; 500-600 lbs 255.00-306.00; 600-700 lbs Yearlings 247.00-267.00; 700-800 lbs Yearlings 231.00-249.00; 800-900 lbs Yearlings 215.00-230.00
Heifers: 300-400 lbs 260.00-305.00; 400-500 lbs 265.00-299.00; 500-600 lbs 250.00-280.00; 600-700 lbs 210.00-235.00; 700-800 lbs NT; 800-900 lbs NT
Replacement Quality 650-750 lbs: NT
Bred Cows: Full Mouth Vacc: NT; Broken Mouth Vacc: NT
Pairs HD: Full Mouth Vacc: 1450.00-1875.00; Broken Mouth Vacc: NT
Butcher Cows: High Yield Lean 105.00-110.00; High Yield Fleshy 98.00-107.00; Med Yield 83.00-90.00; Low Yield 70.00-82.00
Feeder Cows: 85.00-95.00
Heiferettes: 125.00-145.00
Bulls: High Yield 115.00-122.00; Med Yield 105.00-114.00; Feeder 95.00-105.00
(Lebanon Auction Yard)
Jan. 8-9
Receipts: 661 total, 469 cattle, 92 sheep, 110 goats
Feeder Market Comments: Short run of feeder cattle again this week with too few for a market on all weights. With the new year comes a little renewed buyer interest. The futures market has regained some of the lost value from last fall, and the upward movement has definitely helped the buyers’ attitude. The buyers are still asking for vaccination records and will definitely pay a premium for calves that are properly weaned and vaccinated. The cow and bull market was a couple dollars stronger across the board, just not as many top-end cows this week. The sheep and goat market was a dang sure stronger this week. Best lambs sold for 2.90 lb and best goats sold for 3.57 lb.
Heifers: (Avg.-High) 300-400 lbs NT; 400-500 lbs 171.56-207.00; 500-600 lbs 171.17-202.50; 600-700 lbs 159.68-195.00; 700-800 lbs LT; 800-900 lbs 151.67-172.50; 900-1200 lbs LT; by the head 50.00-105.00
Feeder Bulls (Avg.-Top): Too few for a market test.
Top Holstein Cows: 114.00-116.00
Top Beef Cows: 94.00-96.00
Top 10 Cows: 114.43
Top 50 Cows: 105.55
Top 100 Cows: 95.77
Top 150 Cows: 89.36
Top 200 Cows: 84.61
Bulls: No.1 NT; No. 2 NT; No. 3 70.00-80.00
Top Organic: 138.00
Top 10 Organic Cows: 131.42
Top 20 Organic Cows: 126.98
Top 30 Organic Cows: 121.49
Top 40 Organic Cows: 114.52
Pairs: No. 1 NT, No. 2, No. 3 NT
Bred Cows: No. 1 NT, No. 2 NT, No. 3 NT
Old Crop Lambs: 100-125 lbs 240.00; 125-150 lbs: 170.00; 150-200 lbs NT
Mutton: 75-100 lbs NT; 100-125 lbs NT; 125-150 lbs 87.50-105.00; 175-200 lbs 87.50-130.00; 200-300 lbs NT
Rams: 85.00-175.00
Kid Goats by the head: 70.00-250.00
Nanny Goats by the head: 80.00-290.00
Buck Goats by the head: 80.00-270.00
Wethers by the head: 195.00-295.00
(Northwest Livestock Commission)
Jan. 9
Heifers: Under 300 lbs 130.00-520.00 HD; 300-400 lbs 130.00-240.00; 400-500 lbs 128.00-265.00; 500-600 lbs 115.00-251.00; 600-700 lbs 118.00-245.00; 700-800 lbs 113.00-200.00; 800-900 lbs 100.00-200.00; 900-1000 lbs 79.00-161.00; 1000-1100 lbs 111.00-128.00; 1100-1200 lbs 70.00-118.00; over 1200 lbs 87.00-136.00
Steers: 300-400 lbs 185.00-333.00; 400-500 lbs 140.00-290.00; 500-600 lbs 150.00-295.00; 600-700 lbs 155.00-271.00; 700-800 lbs 148.00-251.00; 800-900 lbs 114.00-221.00; 900-1000 lbs 140.00-158.00; 1000-1100 lbs 89.00-137.00; 1100-1200 lbs 131.00-150.00; over 1200 lbs 91.00-135.00
Cows: 700-800 lbs 50.00-91.00; 800-900 lbs 72.00-124.00; 900-1000 lbs 71.00-125.00; 1000-1100 lbs 78.00-103.00; 1100-1200 lbs 87.00-107.00; over 1200 lbs 88.00-109.00
Bred Cows: 900-1000 lbs 975.00; 1000-1100 lbs 1475.00-2050.00; 1100-1200 lbs 1125.00-2025.00; over 1200 lbs 1150.00-2050.00
Butcher Bulls: 800-900 lbs 79.00-149.00; 900-1000 lbs 70.00-130.00; 1000-1100 lbs 76.00-134.00; 1100-1200 lbs 96.00-133.00; over 1200 lbs 76.00-114.00
Good Quality Cutting Bulls: 300-400 lbs 125.00-146.00; 400-500 lbs 120.00-146.00; 500-600 lbs 125.00-134.00; 600-700 lbs 156.00-189.00; 700-800 lbs 143.00-220.00
Pairs: 900-1000 lbs 1385.00; 1000-1100 lbs 1175.00; 1100-1200 lbs 1225.00; over 1200 lbs 1100.00-1425.00
Doe Goat: 100.00-195.00
Ewes: 100.00-130.00
Lambs: 55.00-120.00
Kid Goats: 45.00-70.00
Buck Goat: 130.00-265.00
(Producers Livestock Marketing Association)
Jan. 16
Head Count: 475
Baby Cfs: 5.00-55.00
Starter Bull Cfs: 100.00-240.00
Starter Hfr Cfs: 45.00-230.00
Light Holstein X Strs: 600 lbs and under NT
Hvy Holstein X Strs: 700 lbs and over NT; 800-1000 lbs NT
Stock Cows: (young pairs) NT; (older) NT
Heiferettes: NT
Pairs: NT
Holstein Hfrs: 113.00-137.50
Jersey Hfrs: NT
Butcher Cows: 85.00-109.50
Shelly/Lite Cows: 55.00-80.00
Butcher Bulls: 98.00-109.00
(Lewiston Livestock Market)
Jan. 10
Receipts: 675 HD
Stock cows: NT HD
Pairs: NT
Baby calves: 300.00 HD
Bulls: 95.00-116.00
Feeders: NT
Breakers: 75.00-80.00
Boning: 90.00-100.00
Canners: 40.00-60.00
Steers: 300-400 lbs 260.00; 400-500 lbs 250.00-280.00; 500-600 lbs 245.00-280.00; 600-700 lbs 230.00-260.00; 700-800 lbs 220.00-239.00; 800-900 lbs 215.00-221.00; 900-1000 lbs NT; 1000 lbs and up NT
Heifers: 300-400 lbs 210.00-225.00; 400-500 lbs 245.00-265.00; 500-600 lbs 220.00-245.00; 600-700 lbs 210.00-221.00; 700-800 lbs 195.00-208.00; 800-900 lbs 165.00-185.00; 900-1000 lbs 110.00-120.00; 1000 lbs and up 100.00-105.00
(Turlock Livestock Auction Yard)
Jan. 16
Receipts: 1884 HD
Comment: Good test on feeders with a majority of the cattle weighing 400-650 lbs. Weigh cows and bulls steady.
No. 1 Med and Large Frame Steers (2 rounds of shots): 300-400 lbs 250.00-332.50; 400-500 lbs 245.00-352.00; 500-600 lbs 240.25-326.00; 600-700 lbs 225.00-266.00; 700-800 lbs 200.00-232.00; 800-900 lbs 190.00-225.00
No. 2 Med and Large Frame Steers (1 round of shots): 300-400 lbs 150.00-249.00; 400-500 lbs 158.00-244.00; 500-600 lbs 153.00-239.00; 600-700 lbs 144.00-244.00; 700-800 lbs 140.00-199.00; 800-900 lbs 120.00-189.00
No. 1 Med and Large Frame Heifers (2 rounds of shots): 300-400 lbs 240.00-270.00; 400-500 lbs 237.00-276.00; 500-600 lbs 230.00-266.50; 600-700 lbs 220.00-251.50; 700-800 lbs NT; 800-900 lbs 200.00-224.00
No. 2 Med and Large Frame Heifers (1 round of shots): 300-400 lbs 140.00-239.00; 400-500 lbs 142.00-236.00; 500-600 lbs 138.00-229.00; 600-700 lbs 130.00-219.00; 700-800 lbs 115.00-205.00; 800-900 lbs 110.00-199.00
Weigh Beef Cows: High Yielding 93.00-103.00; Med Yielding 84.00-92.00; Low Yielding 60.00-83.00
Weigh Holstein Dairy Cows: High Yielding 85.00-93.75; Med Yielding 78.00-84.00; Low Yielding 50.00-77.00
Weigh Jersey Dairy Cows: High Yielding 70.00-84.00; Med Yielding 62.00-69.00; Low Yielding 40.00-61.00
Weigh Bulls: High Yielding 100.00-118.00; Med Yielding 93.00-99.00; Low Yielding 75.00-92.00
(Chehalis Livestock Market)
Jan. 12
Totals: 79 HD cattle, 0 HD pigs, goats, sheep
Top SLA Cows: 119.00
Top 10 Average: 104.75
Top 20 Average: 99.07
Top 50 Average: 91.10
Organic Slaughter: NT
Shells, Thin, Small: 69.00 cwt and down
Top SLA Bulls: NT
Average SLA Bulls: NT
Steers: 300-450 lbs NT; 500-650 lbs NT; 700-850 lbs 117.00-140.00; Heavy 115.00
Heifers: 300-450 lbs NT; 500-650 lbs 120.00-160.00; 700-850 lbs NT; Heavy NT
Holstein Steers: NT
Feeder Bulls: 300-450 lbs NT cwt; 500-650 lbs NT; 700-850 lbs NT; Heavy NT
Bred Cow Best: 1200.00-1250.00 HD; Average NT HD
Beef Pairs Best: NT HD; Average: NT HD
Dairy Cattle: Top Springers 1275.00-1500.00 HD; Top 5 Ave Springers 875.00-950.00 HD; Average Dairy Springer NT; Bred Hol Heifers NT HD; Open Heifers NT
Baby Calves: Hol Bulls Small 5.00-10.00 HD; Med NT HD; Large NT HD; Hol Heifers NT; X-bred beef NT HD; Started Beef NT HD
Weiner Pigs: 15.00-140.00 HD (under 80 lbs)
Feeder Pigs: 80.00-240.00 HD (80-100 lbs)
Block Hogs: 210.00-385.00 (over 100 lbs)
Sows: 150.00-235.00 HD
Boars: NT HD
Goats: Small 40.00-80.00 HD; Med 90.00-160.00 HD; Large 165.00-220.00 HD
Lambs: 130.00-205.00 HD
Ewes: 170.00 HD heavy; 100.00 HD light
Ram: 187.50 HD
(Toppenish Livestock Commission)
Jan. 18
541 HD
Choice Steers: 300-400 lbs 150.00-280.00; 400-500 lbs 150.00-240.00; 500-600 lbs 150.00-235.00; 600-700 lbs 150.00-230.00; 700-800 lbs 140.00-215.00; 800-900 lbs 140.00-190.00; 900-1000 lbs 140.00-190.00; 1000-1100 lbs NT; 1100-1300 lbs NT; 1500-2000 NT
Choice Heifers: 300-400 lbs 140.00-220.00; 400-500 lbs 140.00-250.00; 500-600 lbs 140.00-225.00; 600-700 lbs 130.00-210.00; 700-800 lbs 130.00-200.00; 800-900 lbs 130.00-180.00; 900-1000 lbs 120.00-170.00
Holstein Steers: 300-400 lbs 70.00-120.00; 400-600 lbs 65.00-120.00; 600-800 lbs 70.00-120.00; 800-1000 lbs 85.00-130.00
Feeder Bulls: 400-600 lbs 150.00-225.00; 600-800 lbs 125.00-200.00; 800-1000 lbs 95.00-120.00; 1000-1200 lbs 90.00-110.00
Butcher Cows: top cows 105.00-115.00; C&Cs 85.00-100.00; Shells 20.00-60.00
Butcher Bulls: High Yield 105.00-120.00; Low Yield 75.00-90.00
Stock Cows: No. 1 Pairs 2500.00-3300.00; No. 2 Pairs 1250.00-1500.00; No. 1 Bred Cows 1700.00-2500.00; No. 2 Bred Cows 1250.00-1500.00
(Stockland Livestock Auction)
Jan. 8
Comments: Monday’s cattle sale featured a good run of cows and bulls, with a strong market and excellent buyer demand. Slaughter bulls brought up to $1.20, with an average price of $1.10. Slaughter cows were $8-$10 higher than prior to the winter break, with the best of the cows bringing $1.10, and an average price of 89-95 cents per pound. Not enough feeder cattle for a market test, as buyers and sellers were hesitant to move on calves with the winter storm expected in the next few days.
Goat: under 300 lbs 145.00 HD; 300-400 lbs NT
Pig: Under 300 lbs 1.89 HD
Baby Calf: Under 300 lbs 200.00 HD; 300-400 lbs NT HD
Bull Calf: under 300 lbs NT; 300-400 lbs NT.00; 400-500 lbs NT; 500-600 lbs NT; 600-700 lbs 147.50; 700-800 lbs NT; 800-900 lbs NT
Bred Cow: 900-1000 lbs NT HD; 1000-1100 lbs 1370.00 HD; 1100-1300 lbs 1400.00 HD; 1300-1500 lbs NT; 1500-2000 lbs 1550.00; 2000-2500 lbs NT
Bull: 300-400 lbs NT; 400-500 lbs NT; 500-600 lbs NT; 600-700 lbs NT; 700-800 lbs NT; 800-900 lbs NT; 900-1000 lbs 106.00; 1000-1100 lbs NT; 1100-1300 lbs 93.30; 1300-1500 lbs 92.00; 1500-2000 lbs 98.64; 2000-2500 lbs 110.50; over 2500 lbs NT
Cows: Under 300 lbs NT; 300-400 lbs NT; 400-500 lbs NT; 500-600 lbs NT; 600-700 lbs 70.00; 700-800 lbs NT; 800-900 lbs 91.00; 900-1000 lbs 111.00; 1000-1100 lbs 87.12; 1100-1300 lbs 89.95; 1300-1500 lbs 73.00-109.00; 1500-2000 lbs 101.19; 2000-2500 lbs NT
Heifers: under 300 lbs 93.02; 300-400 lbs 140.00; 400-500 lbs 160.00-185.00; 500-600 lbs 130.00-196.00; 600-700 lbs 20.00-170.00; 700-800 lbs 137.50-162.50; 800-900 lbs NT; 900-1000 lbs NT; 1000-1100 lbs NT; 1100-1300 lbs NT; 1300-1500 lbs NT; 1500-2000 lbs NT; 2000-2500 lbs NT
Steers: under 300 lbs NT; 300-400 lbs NT; 400-500 lbs NT; 500-600 lbs 192.50-208.00; 600-700 lbs 150.00-202.50; 700-800 lbs 142.50-182.50; 800-900 lbs 152.50-157.50; 900-1000 lbs 151.00-157.00; 1000-1100 lbs 102.50; 1100-1300 lbs NT; 1300-1500 lbs NT; 1500-2000 lbs 84.00-96.00