Editorial: Critics having a cow over ‘Big Dairy’s’ new campaign

Published 3:00 am Thursday, May 4, 2023

The anti-dairy crowd is having a cow over a satirical social media ad campaign promoting bovine milk and poking fun at plant-based alternatives.

In the process they are proving that they have no sense of humor, in addition to having no command of the facts.

The campaign — funded through the Milk Processor Education Program — features “White Lotus” actress Aubrey Plaza as the cofounder of Wood Milk in a spoof of the iconic “Got milk” advertising campaign.

The commercial features Plaza, clad in flannel, strolling in a woodsy setting introducing herself as the cofounder of “the world’s first and only milk made from wood.”

“Wood Milk started with a simple idea. I saw a tree, and I asked myself, ‘Can I drink this?’ As it turns out, the answer is yes — if you make it into milk,” she says.

“Our hope is that Wood Milk causes people to pause, to understand what they are consuming and the nutritional value of their choices,” said Yin Woon Rani, CEO of MilkPEP.

Since reporting on popular culture is outside our wheelhouse, we weren’t familiar with Plaza’s work. It turns out that she’s one of the biggest names in the entertainment business.

The Daily Beast called her “one of the best and most captivating actors in show business.” Time magazine put her on its list of the 100 most influential people in 2023.

But dairy critics are taking a less fawning tone in their social media postings.

The folks at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals highlighted critical posts, adding “So disappointing to see you promoting an abusive and destructive industry.”

Said another Twitter commentator, “The fact that this is actually a weirdly covert ad for the dairy industry is bonkers, Aubrey Plaza dairy propagandist.

“Why on earth are you getting in bed with ‘Got Milk?’ Nobody likes milk — like, literally nobody.”

Literally nobody? Literally millions of people consume dairy products.

While fluid milk consumption has declined, cheese, yogurt and other products are extremely popular. The USDA says the average American consumed 667 pounds of dairy in 2021, the last year for which figures are available.

Dairy and plant-based alternatives all come from farms, and we support all farms. More products in the market is a good thing.

Processors make satisfying and flavorful beverages out of any number of plants. These drinks have nutritional components. Some consumers like them better than milk from cows.

They might be labeled as milk, but they are not milk as defined by biologists.

Or, as Plaza says in the spoof: “Is Wood Milk real? Absolutely not. Only real milk is real.”

MilkPEP — or, “Big Dairy” to its detractors — has produced a fun and creative campaign to promote milk.

We invite Big Almond, Big Soy and the other plant-based beverage makers to respond in kind.
