Oregon Capitol #ReOpenOregon rally

Published 9:31 am Monday, May 4, 2020

SALEM — Hundreds of people turned at the Oregon State Capitol on Saturday for a “#ReOpenOregon” rally. 

People came and went during the rain, lining both sides of the street in front of the Capitol, which has been closed to the public for several weeks as a public health precaution. 

Demonstrators held signs and waved American flags as vehicles circled the Capitol, honking their support. Some participants wore masks and maintained “social distances.” Others gathered together.

A group calling itself Oregon Uniting for Liberty organized the Salem rally, which was endorsed by the Oregon Republican Party and other organizations.

Signs included “Fear is the virus,” “Freedom is bi-partisan,” “My freedom does not end where your fear begins,” “Unlock Oregon,” “Fire Gov. Brown, reopen Oregon,” “Boycott China” and “Gov. Brown, I went to church on Sunday. Please don’t arrest me.” Other signs supported President Donald Trump and Republican candidates. 

“This isn’t a partisan political event, but instead a public rally to rescue our livelihoods and freedoms from being extinguished by a government that has forgotten that, in America, government must operate with the consent of the governed,” party Chairman Bill Currie said beforehand.

 “The shutdown in Oregon was intended to ‘flatten the curve’ of COVID-19 infections and prevent cases severe enough to need hospitalization. Unfortunately, it has been at the cost of damaging Oregon’s economy and pushing many of our businesses, institutions, and activities deemed ‘non-essential’ by the Governor to the point of collapse.”

Brown commented to Oregon Public Broadcasting before the rally: “I know folks are worried about how they’re going to pay their rent, put food on the table and buy essentials for their families,” Brown said. “I just would ask folks as they operate their First Amendment right to free speech to maintain social distancing, wear masks and be considerate of others.”

Medical experts say a gradual phase out of the stay-at-home orders is necessary to prevent rapid spread of the virus.

Statewide polling conducted by DHM Research in Portland has shown strong support for Gov. Brown’s directives that forced many businesses to close and others to maintain social distancing.

In promoting the rally, Oregon Uniting for Liberty explained: “We assert that Governor Brown has unconstitutionally restricted our freedom of assembly, infringed upon our right to freely worship, closed access to public lands, and prohibited businesses from engaging in commerce. She has deemed certain businesses ‘essential’ while refusing to allow other businesses to remain open even if they are able to implement policies or methods of operation that minimize the risk of spreading this virus. She has unilaterally issued orders that ignore the diversity of our state and denied localities the ability to do what is best for the citizens in their towns, cities, and counties. These orders are threatening the very freedom and liberties our Founding Fathers guaranteed to us in the Constitution — the same liberties guaranteed in the Oregon Constitution.”
