Valley Wide, Ag Link co-ops merge

Published 10:26 am Monday, July 12, 2021

NAMPA, Idaho — July 12, 2021 — Valley Wide Cooperative and Ag Link, Inc. announced that both co-op memberships voted in favor to allow the two co-ops to merge.

Valley Wide Cooperative is an agronomy, energy, and farm supply company with locations across the Pacific Northwest.

Ag Link Inc. is an agronomy and energy company in northeastern Washington.

Valley Wide Cooperative continues to grow into Washington with this merger, not far behind their purchase of Saddle Mountain Supply in central Washington earlier this year.

Valley Wide will add Ag Link Inc.’s seven locations, fleet, equipment and employees devoted to serving growers in northeastern Washington to their co-op.

Ag Link Inc. has served farmers, ranchers and customers with agronomy and energy products and services since 2006. Some of the historical co-ops that make up Ag Link Inc. date back over 50 years.

Ag Link Inc. consists of seven branches in Washington that serve customers in Columbia, Grant and Lincoln Counties: Almira, Coulee City, Davenport, Dayton, Edwall, Reardan and Wilbur.

“Valley Wide and Ag Link, Inc. just fit together. The merging of the two co-ops will allow us to leverage our size and scale to serve growers across our entire network,” said Dave Holtom, Valley Wide Cooperative CEO. “We’re committed to continue to serve our new customers with dedication — just as they’ve been accustomed to over the years doing business with Ag Link.”

Northeastern Washington customers can expect the name on the door to switch come Sept. 1, but things like locations, management and trusted crop advisors and energy reps will remain the same. Growers will have access to more precision agriculture tools, proprietary custom blended crop inputs and online buying options. Energy, propane, and fuel customers can look forward to additional technology choices, product assortment and service and installation options.

The board of directors will consist of nine members from the existing Valley Wide board, and three members from the existing Ag Link Inc. board.

“Board members work together to represent patrons from all over the Pacific Northwest. The addition of Ag Link Inc. was a strategic choice that will help our membership as a whole,” said Adam Clark, Valley Wide Cooperative board chair. “We know that diversity helps us avoid risk, and farming can be a risky business. The merged co-op will add “another leg on the stool,” providing stability and diversity, so the co-op remains viable — and able to return patronage and equity checks to patrons — for years to come.”

Both cooperatives are dedicated to their members, growers and customers and will continue together to strive for excellence in customer service and satisfaction.
