Innoquest Inc. Releases Two Updated SpotOn® Flow Meters

Published 11:43 am Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Woodstock, IL (December 1, 2020) — Innoquest Inc., the designer and manufacturer of precision meters for the agriculture industry since 1993, has released two improved flow meters with larger capacities than their predecessors, expanding for uses in new markets, namely, the water audit industry. The SpotOn® SC-5 Universal Flow Meter and the SpotOn® Mega Flow Meter are now both available for purchase via dealers and distributors worldwide.

SC-5 Universal Flow Meter

Known both for providing precise measurements and its easy-to-use functionality, the SpotOn® Sprayer Calibrator Model SC-4’s primary market has been the agriculture industry. However, its replacement, the new SpotOn® SC-5 Universal Flow Meter features improved accuracy (from +/-4% to +/-3%) and a larger capacity allowing for use within the water audit industry. This versatile meter can check flow rate for nozzles and sprayers in addition to faucets and showers up to 5GPM.

“A growing number of states are implementing water conservation regulations” says Bill Hughes, President of Innoquest, “we saw an opportunity for our meter to aid the plumbing industry. Prior to the release of this meter, contractors in the water audit industry had been relying on DIY-style methods to estimate flow rates.” The SC-5 Universal Flow Meter provides an intuitive and accurate alternative. Its digital display allows for easy-to-read measurements, minimizing human error during readings, efficient monitoring of water flow has never been easier. The meter retails at a US List price of $239.

Mega Flow Meter

The SpotOn® Mega Flow Meter quickly and accurately checks irrigation nozzle flow and regulator function, pump flow, and safety showers up to 44 GPM, it replaces the SpotOn® Irrigation Flow Meter. In addition to its increased flow capacity from 25 GPM to 44 GPM allowing for broader uses, its new internal collection cavity eliminates the need for preparation work, saving the user time. Moreover, its accuracy has improved from +/-4% to +/-3% over the 0 to 30 GPM flow range. “As water resources become more limited and/or regulated it is more important than ever to maintain irrigation equipment at maximum efficiency” says Hughes. “Accurate flow rate measurements are an essential part of identifying unforeseen regulator issues that could otherwise go unnoticed; monitoring the flow rate using this meter allows for corrective measures to be taken when necessary.” The SpotOn® Mega Flow Meter has a US list price of $379.

Obtain Accurate Readings Within Seconds

Taking a measurement is simple and takes just seconds to complete. Once powered on, the meter should be placed under the faucet/shower/nozzle to be tested. As the meter fills with water the LCD will begin flashing to indicate that a reading is in progress, as soon as water reaches the meter’s upper sensor, the flow rate is calculated and displayed. Flow rate readings can be displayed in either gallons per minute (GPM), liters per minute (LPM), or liters per hour (L/hr).
