U of I Receives Grant Funding to Assist Students with Farm Work Backgrounds

Published 11:16 am Wednesday, June 17, 2020

MOSCOW, Idaho — June 17, 2020 — The University of Idaho’s College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) has helped 702 students with migrant and seasonal farmworking backgrounds successfully transition to the university and persist to graduation.

This will continue with a renewal grant of $2.1 million, or $424,999 annually for the next five years, in grant funding from the U.S. Department of Education for CAMP.

CAMP was first funded in 1999 and provides academic, financial and other support services during a student’s first year.

The supplemental scholarship assists students with the cost of tuition, room and board, books and transportation. CAMP also provides follow-up services for students during their sophomore through senior years. 

“CAMP has helped hundreds of first-generation college students attend and succeed at the University of Idaho over the past two decades through both scholarships and support for their studies,” U of I President Scott Green said. “I’m grateful we are able to maintain this transformational program for another five years so more students can succeed, and these Vandals can continue to make an impact on the state.” 

The culturally responsive program assists students and their families through the admissions and financial processes.

Evelina Arevalos, program director, is a CAMP and U of I alumna.

“Years ago, CAMP guided me every step of the way through my transition from high school to the university,” Arevalos said. “The program provided academic and financial assistance, but mostly created the CAMP Familia I needed at U of I. The entire CAMP team is extremely happy and humbled to continue serving and guiding the next generation of migrant and seasonal farmworking students and our community through degree attainment. We are grateful to all of our partners and community for the continued support.”

CAMP is a program in U of I’s Office of Equity and Diversity.

To receive assistance from CAMP, students must be admitted to the U of I, a U.S. citizen or permanent resident and be eligible for federal financial aid.

For more information on CAMP, including how to apply for the program, visit the U of I website, call 208-885-5173 or email camp@uidaho.edu.

This project was funded to University of Idaho by the U.S. Department of Education under award S149A150023. The total project funding is $2,122,181 of which 100% is the federal share.
