Conservation Tillage Cost-Share & Equipment Loan Program Available for Hangman Creek Watershed Producers

Published 10:18 am Thursday, April 1, 2021

SPOKANE – The Spokane Conservation District (SCD) recently received a $1.5 million dollar award from the Department of Ecology’s Water Quality Combined Funding Program. This funding will be utilized to address the implementation of agricultural Best Management Practices (BMPs) within the Hangman (Latah) Creek Watershed. The funding will be available to agricultural producers and landowners in the form of various cost-share programs to enhance conservation efforts and offer low interest loans for the purchase of equipment that aids in conservation-tillage operations.

The SCD cost-share funding will address various natural resource issues throughout the Hangman Creek Watershed. These programs will include assistance with conservation tillage, riparian restoration, and livestock operations.

Interested participants should contact the SCD staff for further information and program eligibility requirements. Call (509) 535-7274 for cost-share programs; Charlie Peterson ext. 220, Walt Edelen (ext. 224), and Ty Meyer for equipment loan program at extension 228. Information can also be found on their website SCCD.ORG.

